
A boutique Federal government agency was looking for ways to better communicate their unique value proposition to internal and external stakeholders.

There was little formal understanding about the role of the group within the larger agency construct – communication with internal and external stakeholders was driven by one or two senior executives and was primarily an ad hoc process with no formal metrics in place for determining the effectiveness of planned outreach/communications.


Our approach was to work closely with senior agency personnel to design a specific set of outcomes they hoped to achieve through a one-day workshop. We then reverse-engineered a series of exercises designed to achieve each of the desired outcomes.

After establishing an understanding of baseline metrics and desired state, we divided participants into two groups representing either internal or external stakeholders. Each group was asked to identify roadblocks between current state and desired state.

Each group was then asked to design specific set of strategies or initiatives to overcome the identified roadblocks.

Finally, each of the initiatives was assessed for potential impact and resource consumption. A targeted list of 5-7 initiatives were identified for both internal and external outreach.


After completing the workshop senior agency personnel:

  • Worked with MLS to implement the series of initiatives identified during the workshop
  • Utilized the stakeholder outreach program as a foundational step in redesigning the agency strategy going forward